Monday, August 9, 2010

Particles of Faith

"To me the sole hope of human salvation lies in teachin Man to regard himself as an experiment in the realization of God, to regard his hand as God's hand, his brains as God's brain, his purpose as God's purpose. He must regard God as a helpless longing , which longed him into existence by its desperate need for an executive organ."
- George Bernard Shaw
I am not an expert, nor a knowledgeable person like the many great minds and souls of the past, just another man trying to find an answer to a question which has both created an intrigue and a flamed curiosity within me while transcending into my conscious and sub-conscious living.
I do not intend to classify one’s faith or belief about the existence of god into a prison of words conceived to satisfy our worldly means. I am in all reality in pursuit to understand and in process realize this enigma that haunts my very way of living.

Every-day I find myself surrounded by the material creations all around me, every time when I walk past them I see some of my fellow souls in total utopia, having devoted their lives to a cause they find just and of the highest order. I see them sip the calm vibrant droplets of water as if it’s a potion of elixir which can free them of all the miseries that this mortal life has bestowed upon them.
Every now and then I hear people chant and sing about an entity which they reckon is the, be all and the end all of the entire creation, the universe and beyond.

Entity which is more commonly called “GOD”…

I was having a casual conversation with a good friend of mine, when the topic of discussion took a sudden turn and we found ourselves discussing about the very existence of god. Something that stood out from that conversation and is still alive in my thought is the fact that god as a mortal or immortal entity might actually not exist; instead there exists a bundle of energy that we are surrounded with, that we are part of and that is part of us.
This being the case we and the integral energy that resides in and surrounds us share a love-hate relationship, a more scientific term to be used would be a “Cause – Effect relation”, as such every action that we account for acts as an cause on the energy within which then effects the body of energy which surrounds us, this effect in nature becomes the cause when I manifests into the surrounding energy and in return has an effect on us.

We may call these actions “KARMA”, and the effect the body of energy has on us as “Fate” or “Luck” even “Destiny”…

This when we ponder upon the ancient text or manuscripts, all talk about how our destinies are controlled by our actions or to be more precise “actions in our present, decides our future”…
So if it is this energy that guides our very way of living then why do we coin them in idols and cage them in our mortal imaginations, for something as measureless like this energy which originates from timeless space, which overcomes time, transcends dimensions of knowledge and wisdom that we mortals could not even fathom.

The reason to this might not be known but may be it’s because we need to have some sort of physical embodiment of this omnipresent energy I front of us to be enable us to connect to it.
So what about god does it exist or does it not? Well I guess it’s all up to us how we want to live our lives finally, for our god breathes within us, the sooner we realize it, the easier it becomes to witness this enigma….

God, to me, it seems, is a verb, not a noun, proper or improper.”

- Richard Buckminster Fuller

1 comment:

  1. this is amazing.. you know that even i'm stuck.. i know i'm not a believer.. i know i'm not an atheist either.. i'm stuck.. i'm an agnostic.. i dont know what to believe.. its all about the doubt.. thats whats got me bewildered.. doubt.. the 'maybe' is what reigns.. i agree that there is a powerful energy that surrounds us.. but if thats not god then what is?
    for me the only thing that could ever come close to the concept of god would i guess be nature.. the only thing that we can never predict, that seems to have more power than anything.. the only thing man could never master..
    i also believe that god resides in each of us.. we have the potential. we just need to tap it. thats what the bible and the geeta n the koran talk about.. its within us..
    i loved it re..! really!
