Friday, October 31, 2014

-: U shall Know :-

In the land of knowledge there roamed a man, broken chalice in hand... And looked down at the heavens for his chalice to be filled... having stood alone for a thousand sun & moon...
And after a wait which lasted an aeon, a blessed smile lay her sight on him... intrigued the smile asked the man.. what makes you stand here? for the wait has turned you white...
The man raising the chalice high above the eye towards the blue... said onto the smile... look... look at what i hold... it is my only possession... which i have held dear to my breath...
And as he looked at the chalice high... his sight filled with the dew that the chalice once held... and he said onto the smile... once i was a man of whole... with my chalice complete...
And one day i saw another chalice... a broken chalice... and a shadow lay beside it... cracked just like the chalice... and i walked up to the shadow... and offered my chalice...
The shadow then gleamed like a ball of fire... and within a moment the shadow's winter turned into spring... and as the shadow stood up to leave...
It made a promised to me... and asked me to wait... for it will return my chalice... it has been a aeon since... and i still wait hoping to see my chalice again...!!!

-: Sparrow of Green :-

On a plush green mountain top surrounded by the silver clouds...
A sparrow made her nest with twigs of hope and grass of life...
And through the day she flew all over the green in search of sustenance...
With nothing but her will to accompany her...
But every evening when she returned to her nest... a feeling of belonging greeted her...
So in that little nest of her's she found the comfort and care which she missed through out the day...
Yet one day blew a nasty wind and with it took the twigs and grass along...
Now the nest which the sparrow called home was gone and in its place remained the struggles and pain of missing "to what you belong"...
So the sparrow wept... and it turned dark... and she wept as the lights broke through the darkness...
And as the first light fell on her dry tears... she stood... tall and calm... she then took a leap up in the air and began her day as usual...
With only her will to accompany her she found every twig and every plate of grass blown away...
And with them made the nest which once was... again...
This time she wrote a message for the wind to read.. and the message said "i may be blown... i may be crushed... but not even my fate can stop me from reaching the place where i belong"...!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

-: Purpose :-

Once there walked a dog by the gates of heaven...
And he saw a dove on an apple tree...
Closing the distance between them...
The dog spoke onto to the dove...
"Why o why do u not fly... your fellows have all long gone... so what keeps u here?"
The dove not speaking choose to ignore...
The dog losing his temper shouted at the dove...
The innocent dove did not heed...
The dog tried climbing the tree but fell onto earth crying in pain...
To this the dove burst into laughter, unstoppable...and said "dog u fool, u know not that dogs are meant to be on earth not on tree...
To which the dog said "that is exactly, why u should fly"....

-: Choice :-

Through the narrow lanes of kashi; a path took them to a temple...
And by the temple sat a hermit, wisdom glowing on his face...
Two women who took to this path, came by the hermit...
Friends of childhood they both grew old,

One blessed by wealth, other by peace...
Pointing towards them the hermit asked his disciple... who among them is the happiest?
To which the young disciple said; offcourse it is the one of wealth...
And with a smile the hermit said, you are young and have plenty to learn...
Why? Asked the young disciple...
To which the hermit explained, one with wealth was married with mind indecisive...

One with peace made the choice by marrying of her will....

Saturday, October 25, 2014

-: The Leaf :-

A leaf of green on the branch of life...
True to its roots, among all d strife...
Took to life, providing shade to earth...
It grew strong, with dreams in eyes...
Then came breeze, and d enchantment began...
The leaf and d breeze danced and rejoiced...
Together they lived, and it gave leaf hope...
Then came time wen d breeze had to pass...
And all d leaf wanted was to be...
So it followed d breeze, leaving behind his roots...
Soon d breeze blew over, d leaf left behind brown as dirt...
All its dreams nd hopes intact... but unable to see nd feel any...!!!

-: A life less lived :-

Wrapped in the customs of our days...
A free will chocking, for a need that sways...
Succumbing to social norms, elevating oneself on the sacrificial throne...
Avoidance of pain to all, to which one is prone...
I give up, I give in... to the bondage of our own...
And time shall pass... alone shall we mourn...
Not for the blessed life we may have had... but for "a life less lived"...

Friday, October 17, 2014

-: Seeds of One :-

Light shimmering on the liquid glass in the ocean... with the zephyr which moves over it like a cool moonlight...
There he sowed two seeds of life, distant yet one... separated by acts, yet able to manifest in one thought...
A tree called life would grow out of it, called by the ocean as an union... and then when pulled apart, one seed asked another...
Many a questions i have, answer me this...why would we be away yet pulled together ? to which the other seed replied...
We are neither away, nor together... we are one and have always been this way... and so it is our making...
To be pulled towards... yet one may decide to drift away... in the cycle which ceases to end... we choose... we choose... we choose...!!!